Tomas Vondra

Tomas Vondra

blog about Postgres code and community

Office hours experiment

I’ve decided to experiment a little bit and do regular “office hours.” I’ll be available to chat about almost anything related to Postgres. It might be a technical discussion about a patch you’re working on, or a topic about the community etc.

This is not an entirely new thing. I’ve been telling people to just ping me if they want to discuss something off-list, or have a call and chat about it. I did have a couple such calls, and it was nice - faster than discussing that by email, maybe a bit closer to the ad hoc watercooler talk or a hallway track. So I’m mostly just announcing this more widely, with a couple simple rules.

I’ll do this every Tuesday, 4pm-5pm Prague time. In the future this may change, depending on other meetings I get invited to etc. If this time does not work for you because you’re in a timezone when this is in the middle of the night, let me know and we’ll try to find a better time.

You need to send me an email to with agenda / description of what you want to talk about, at least 24 hours before the time slot (ideally a couple days before), so that I can think about it and prepare, to make the call productive. The more info you share in advance, the better.

The calls have a limit of 30 minutes, so that I can talk to multiple people. If needed we may either extend, depending on available time, or have another call the following week.

I’m not very interested in discussing proprietary products - I don’t mind forks, but the primary purpose of this is to talk to community members. Likewise, I’m not going to discuss “our” proprietary stuff.

Of course, all these discussions are considered private.

Do you have feedback on this post? Please reach out by e-mail to